CHIME proteins
The following proteins were mentioned in the animation:
- Immunoglobulin A (IgA), 1IGA.pdb
- Transforming Growth Factor-
1TGF.pdb and 2TGI.pdb
- TGF-
receptor Type I, fragments, 1B6C.pdb
and 1TBI.pdb
- Smad4, active fragment, 1DD1.pdb
- Smad3, fragment 1MHD.pdb
- DNA binding partner (DNA binding PROTEIN, 3ULL.pdb) (Note: must verify
same protein)
Web Links
Further Reading
- Cytokines (Chapter 12) in R. A. Goldsby, T. J. Kindt, and B. A. Osborne.
Kuby Immunology, 4th edition, W. H. Freeman and Co., pp. 303-327,
276-281, and 294-295, 2000.
- H. Lodish, A. Berk, S. L. Zipursky. P. Matzudaira, D. Baltimore and J. Darnell.
Molecular Cell Biology, 4th edition, W. H. Freeman and Co., pp. 394-6,
524, 848-909,1006-1007, 1999.
- B. Purves, G. Orians, C. Heller and D. Sadava. Life - The Science of
Biology, 5th edition, Sinauer and W. H. Freeman and Co., pp. 114-115
and 850-858, 1998.
- L. Stryer. Biochemistry,4th edition, W. H. Freeman and Co. pp. 325-360,
R.L. Coffman, D.A. Lebman and P. Rothman. Mechanism and regulation
of immunoglobulin isotype switching. Advances in Immunology
54:229-270, 1993
- Y. Zhang and R. Derynck. Regulation of Smad signalling by protein
associations and signalling crosstalk. Trends in Cell Biology
9:274-279, 1999.
- R. W. Padgett. Intracellular signalling: fleshing out the TGF-beta
pathway. Current Biology 9:R408-411, 1999.
Derived from H. Lodish, et al., Molecular Cell Biology text and CD-ROM, 4th
edition, © 2000 W. H. Freeman and Co. and Sumanas, Inc.
Virginia Scofield, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
Gallery Curriculum
requires Macromedia Flash player
Chime Molecular Visualization Plug-in